Stele of Revealing / Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu
Stele of Revealing / Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu
£99.00 Sold by: Ars_Chaos -
Santa Muerte candle from the estate of Jake Stratton Kent (yellow)
Santa Muerte candle from the estate of Jake Stratton Kent (yellow)
£14.50 Sold by: Karswell's Cabinet of Curiosities -
Santa Muerte candle from the estate of Jake Stratton Kent (blue)
Santa Muerte candle from the estate of Jake Stratton Kent
£14.50 Sold by: Karswell's Cabinet of Curiosities -
The Swansea Devil Print – Black and White Lucifer Gargoyle Welsh Folklore Illustration
A hand drawn illustration of the Swansea Devil, printed onto a high quality recycled cardstock. Perfect for any age, bedroom or living room or for fans of folklore. Price includes print, post and packaging.
Sold by: AJ Illustration -
Heart Scarab Beetle Amulet Vegan Ancient Egyptian Grave Good Valentines Gift
The heart scarab is an Egyptian amulet or grave good which was placed over your heart – the only organ left in place during mummification. In the afterlife, when Anubis weighs your heart against maat (the principle of order and justice) to determine how honourably you have lived your life, the scarab will bind your heart to silence and prevent it from bearing false witness.
£40.00 Sold by: Sutured Specimens -
Persephone 7 Day Novendialia Candle
This Candle focuses on the Goddess Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld. She who is Mistress of life and death. Beautiful Persephone of the bountiful harvest and fair spring maiden. She who speaks to the dead and guards the mysteries of life.
Use this candle as a guiding flame to call her to your rite.
This Persephone Novendialia Candle lasts for roughly 7 days. This is perfect for continuous devotional work, or for regular worship or spellwork with Persephone. Each candle features a piece of Tarn’s original art featuring Persephone’s symbolism and has an devotional prayer on the back.
You can use this candle of the Goddess Persephone as a staple piece on your altar or shrine. Light it during ritual, devotional work or spellwork when working with the Goddess. Work with it for bounty, or prosperity with the Goddess- Persephone is known for her bringing of an abundant harvest. Use it as a petition candle- where you leave it alight for days, with a petition slipped under the candle. In much the same way as you’d use a taper candle, this candle can also be used magically. Add different oils, powders, herbs to the candle before lighting it to attune your devotion or spellwork for Persephone. There are numerous ways to work with this candle!
To make your candle fully primed for working, choose the ‘Charged, Annointed & Dressed’ option for £3 more. I’ll then carve, dress, annoint and finally charge your candle for you, with botanicals, crystals, sacred oils and so forth. This option does make the candle slightly more potentially flammable than your average candle.
Read more about this item below!
£20.00 Sold by: Bramble & Bone -
Diana Triformis 7 Day Novendialia Candle
This Goddess Candle focuses on Diana Triformis, she who is Queen of Witches and the Huntress of the Crossroads., Goddess of the three worlds. She who is the Queen of the Heavens and the moon and Queen of the world under and the dead. Diana guides wanderers to their path with the light of her flaming torch. She is guardian and protector.
Use this candle as a guiding flame to call her to your rite.
This Diana Novendialia Candle lasts for roughly 7 days. This is perfect for continuous devotional work, or for regular worship or spellwork with Diana. Each candle features a piece of Tarn’s original art featuring Diana’s symbolism and has an devotional prayer on the back. This Goddess Candle truly works with all the aspects of Diana Triformis.You can use this Goddess candle as a staple piece on your altar or shrine. Light it during ritual, devotional work or spellwork when working with the Goddess. Use it as a petition candle- where you leave it alight for days, with a petition slipped under the candle. In much the same way as you’d use a taper candle, this candle can also be used magically. Add different oils, powders, herbs to the candle before lighting it to attune your devotion or spellwork for Diana. There are numerous ways to work with this candle!
To make your candle fully primed for working, choose the ‘Charged, Annointed & Dressed’ option for £3 more. I’ll then carve, dress, annoint and finally charge your candle for you, with botanicals, crystals, sacred oils and so forth. This option does make the candle slightly more potentially flammable than your average candle.
Read more about this item below!
£20.00 Sold by: Bramble & Bone
British Pound