Persephone Oil Blend


Sold By: Bramble & Bone

2 in stock

This Persephone Oil is sacred to the Goddess Persephone, Queen of Underworld, Maiden of Spring, and Goddess of Bounty. You can use this to call Her to your rite, anoint candles in her honour, bring her gifts into your spell work, dedicate altar tools, and many other sorcerous, magical and devotional uses.

This blend has a floral, fruity and slightly spicy scent and contains within it the transformed plant spirits of frankincense, rose, clove leaf, patchouli and many others on top of a base of Calendula flower oil. The plant spirits have already been primed and they’re ready to work with you- there’s no other ingredient necessary for them to aid you in your work. Simply find an application, and let the plant spirits work!
Ways to use the Oil Blend
Use the oil to annoint candles in Her honour. You can then use these annointed candles to evoke Her to your rite. You may also use these candles magically, as they are imbued with Her power. Use these candles to tap into Her powers of life, death, abundance, bounty and her other areas of rule. You can use this oil to connect to the power of the underworld and the spring.

You might like to use this oil in any oil lamps that you use for magical or devotional purposes. For magical purposes, you may wish to use spoken charms or prayers before adding the oil. For devotional purposes, simply add your oil to the oil well before lighting.

If you work on the land, you might like to annoint your farming tools with this oil. You’d use the oil in this way to bless your tools and your crops with Persephone’s abundance. You can also use the oil to annoint the edges of your vegetable beds, or along the edges of your pots.
Where can I find an Oil with botanical pieces?
If you’re looking for a Persephone Oil with whole Botanical pieces and crystals- please see the Persephone Botanical Oil. (This blend is the more scented of the two, as it contains just the oils of the transformative plant spirits)

To see how people use these in action, visit our Instagram Page. If you want to learn more about our products, go to our ‘Learn More’ Page.

Persephone Oil is a blend of pure essential and infused oils, mixed together within a devotional ritual to Persephone. The oils are gathered from plant spirits that are scared to her, as well as plant spirits that are naturally aligned with her works.

This product comes in a 10ml Dark Amber Glass bottle with a Child Safe Dropper Cap.

Sold as a Curio, not for internal or external use. Spiritual use only.
Bramble and Bone does not guarantee the outcome of any spell or ritual work completed with the use of our products. We only supply products to better equip you on your path of magic and devotion.

Furthermore, by law, it’s important to say that we make no claims and sell these products only as ornamentation to your altar and home.

These products are for entertainment purposes only. By purchasing Bramble and Bone products you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you are responsible for yourself, your results and all of your actions.

Bramble and Bone is not responsible for the mishandling of herbs, oils, candles, incense, powders or any other item we sell.

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