Positivity Charm
A handmade positivity charm to bring peace, positivity and patience into your life.
£3.50 Sold by: Swamp Witch SolutionsPositivity Charm
£3.50 -
Lemon Quartz Crystal Necklace Point Pendant
A pale yellow quartz crystal with double point on a black cord necklace.
£14.99 Sold by: Morphia's Magic Shop -
Raw Natural Yellow Citrine Crystal Necklace Black Cord Pendant
Raw natural Citrine crystal pendant on a black cord chain.
£9.99 Sold by: Morphia's Magic Shop -
Wand- Copper Core – Fire Element
This wand is handmade- it has a copper core covered in soft solder metals. This wand has layers of crystals on top of the metal. The crystals on this wand have spirits that work with the element of fire- creating a powerful wand. From tip to base the idea is to have the hotter crystal spirits on one end, descending into the more grounded, smokey spirits on the other. On this wand the crystals featured are:
Ruby Aura Quartz
Sunshine Aura Quartz
Tiger’s Eye
Smokey Gold Aura Quartz
Smokey QuartzRead more about this below!
£100.00 Sold by: Bramble & BoneWand- Copper Core – Fire Element
British Pound