Wand- Copper Core – Fire Element
This wand is handmade- it has a copper core covered in soft solder metals. This wand has layers of crystals on top of the metal. The crystals on this wand have spirits that work with the element of fire- creating a powerful wand. From tip to base the idea is to have the hotter crystal spirits on one end, descending into the more grounded, smokey spirits on the other. On this wand the crystals featured are:
Ruby Aura Quartz
Sunshine Aura Quartz
Tiger’s Eye
Smokey Gold Aura Quartz
Smokey Quartz
Read more about this below!
This wand is handmade- it has a copper core covered in soft solder metals. This wand has layers of crystals on top of the metal. The crystals on this wand have spirits that work with the element of fire- creating a powerful wand. From tip to base the idea is to have the hotter crystal spirits on one end, descending into the more grounded, smokey spirits on the other. On this wand the crystals featured are:
Ruby Aura Quartz
Sunshine Aura Quartz
Tiger’s Eye
Smokey Gold Aura Quartz
Smokey Quartz
Citrine Spirits are spirits that work with the powers of the Upper World, the heavens. They’re spirits that work well with solar spirits. They’re aligned with the heavenly fire, and the fires within the earth. Citrine spirits work well with any working concerning:
The Sun
Divine Light
The Upper Worlds and the Heavens
Because of the unique spirit associations, you don’t ever need to worry about cleansing this stone. The spirits are more than capable of sorting themselves out, even when taken out of their natural eco-system.
The citrine starts as the first source of fire in the universe-the stars themselves.
Ruby Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz is made when you have natural Quartz crystal and fuse it with precious metals via electrostatic bonding. This particular quartz has been bonded with Gold and Platinum. This means that both sets of spirits co-exist within this piece. Quartz is naturally a good spirit communicator, it shares and learns from it’s surroundings. Because of this, many people use it as a stone of amplification. However, unless you talk with the spirit and let it know what you want it to amplify, it might end up amplifying completely the wrong things.
Gold is good for connecting to Solar Spirits. It’s transformational, eternal, incorruptible within itself- even if it can cause corruption in others. It’s favoured by the divine beings of the Heavens.
Ruby Aura Quartz spirits are closely aligned with the deep fires- when fire burns so deeply it’s nothing but a sea of red. The spirits are passionate, and encourage the same passion in others. These crystals work with the impulse and inspiration of the heart. It’s a stone of vitality- the name to stay alive and stay moving. If you need to do quick moving work, these are the crystal spirits you need to talk to.
Sunshine Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz is made when you have natural Quartz crystal and fuse it with precious metals via electrostatic bonding. This particular quartz has been bonded with Gold and Platinum. This means that both sets of spirits co-exist within this piece. Quartz is naturally a good spirit communicator, it shares and learns from it’s surroundings. Because of this, many people use it as a stone of amplification. However, unless you talk with the spirit and let it know what you want it to amplify, it might end up amplifying completely the wrong things.
Gold is good for connecting to Solar Spirits. It’s transformational, eternal, incorruptible within itself- even if it can cause corruption in others. It’s favoured by the divine beings of the Heavens.
Sunshine Aura Quartz taps into the joy and creativity of life. It’s the fire of the soul and the joy within the heart. These spirits work with all things solar- with growth, motion and focus. Motivation and clearing away the dust is the focus of these spirits. That’s the transformational teachings of the Gold Spirits coming through.
Tigers Eye
Tiger’s Eye Crystal spirits are wonderful spirits to work with for creativity. They work with both Solar and Earth energies and combine them. Tiger’s Eye spirits bring balance to dualities, making it a great stone to combine into an wand. It’s good for growth and abundance, merging in seamlessly with the other stones chosen for this dagger. This is where the wand starts to balance out, where you can begin to ground out that firey energy into earth energy.
Smokey Gold Aura Quartz
Aura Quartz is made when you have natural Quartz crystal and fuse it with precious metals via electrostatic bonding. This particular quartz has been bonded with Gold and Indium. This means that both sets of spirits co-exist within this piece. Quartz is naturally a good spirit communicator, it shares and learns from it’s surroundings. Because of this, many people use it as a stone of amplification. However, unless you talk with the spirit and let it know what you want it to amplify, it might end up amplifying completely the wrong things.
Gold is good for connecting to Solar Spirits. It’s transformational, eternal, incorruptible within itself- even if it can cause corruption in others. It’s favoured by the divine beings of the Heavens.
The spirits within this stone helps the user to find alignment- highly important for balancing the ferocity and impulsiveness of fire,
Smokey Quartz
Smokey Quartz connects to the Earth and the Other world. They connect to the liminal spirits, as well as the earth spirits from which they are born. This makes it an excellent grounding stone, but also a good stone for deflecting or redirecting any energy you find too much to handle. Smokey Quartz spirits work well with the spirits of the underworld too, they align with everything from the earth downwards.
Made with a copper core, soft solder, UV resin and crystals. Measure 33cm
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Sold as a Curio, not for internal or external use. Spiritual use only.
Bramble and Bone does not guarantee the outcome of any spell or ritual work completed with the use of our products. We only supply products to better equip you on your path of magic and devotion.
Furthermore, by law, it’s important to say that we make no claims and sell these products only as ornamentation to your altar and home.
These products are for entertainment purposes only. By purchasing Bramble and Bone products you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age, and that you are responsible for yourself, your results and all of your actions.
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